ID: 4145

One Liners


Beauty is only a light switch away

ID: 4228

One Liners

Lowery's Law of Home Repair:

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

ID: 9379

One Liners

Privacy Policy

We rated with RSAC i, TM Safe Surf Rated.

ID: 11572

One Liners


Legs is the word - spread the word.

ID: 13200

One Liners


I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called 'brightness' but it doesn't work.

ID: 8578

One Liners


It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

ID: 9903

One Liners

The Cliff

Why did the penny jump off the cliff and not the quarter?

Because the quarter had more cents!

ID: 10801

One Liners

5 Short Jokes

Q: Where do nudists go fishing?
A: Moon River.

Q: What do you call a singing hot dog in New York, New York?
A: Frank Sinatra.

Q: What do you call a really smart cow?
A: Grade A beef.

Q: What song do they play at plumbers' funerals?
A: Taps.

Q: Where do you take a sick potato?
A: To a M.A.S.H. unit.

ID: 9090

One Liners


rudeness - someone who keeps talking while your are trying to interrupt.